Training for startupers are to be launched

Training for startupers are to be launched

The Ministry of Transport, Communication and High Technologies launches trainings for awareness raising and development of startupers, as well as creation new startups in every region of the country.

The trainings will be organized by the E-Government Training and Education Center on May 2-3 in Baku and supported by the State Fund for Development of Information Technologies and High-Tech Park.

It should be noted that startupers from Nakhchivan, Ganja, Mingachevir, Lankaran, Sumqait and all other interested persons could also attend the trainings trough teleconference of the E-Government Training and Education Center.

The main goal of the training is to promote the creation of new startups and bring necessary knowledge concerning this field. At the same time, training participants will get information on opportunities to participate in startup competitions, the best ways of presenting startups to different competitions, “pitching” and preparation of video presentations of projects.  

Successful entrepreneurs, head of companies, investors as well as startupers with international competitions’ experience will make presentations on interesting topics during the training. Detailed information on participants and topics is available in the training agenda.

The training will be held the E-Government Training and Education Center at 75, Sharifzade street, Baku. It’s necessary to register to participate in the training. Participants from Baku should register at, and those from regions at
